An Optometry Educational Institute 



Profession of Optometry 

... a vision saving primary eye care profession
                              & a far-sighted career for progressive people.

Objective Refraction

Optometry as a skill is 700 years old - as old as spectacles. As a profession, it dates back to 1901 in the global scenario, and 1962 in India. The profession has grown greatly over the years in response to the public needs for vision care services.The present scope of Optometric practice is far more than the historic role of determination of the refractive state of the eyes and the prescribing of glasses.

The practice of Optometry includes diagonsis of eye diseases and subsequent referral to eye surgeons , detection and referral of systemic and neurologic diseases. It also involves designing- fitting of contact lenses, low vision management of occupational hazard, Optometry works hand in hand with Ophthalmology, in vision care & providing community eye care programs, counseling and combating blindness.

Responsibilities as an Optometrist
Subjective Refraction
  • To conduct primary examination of the eye.
  • To conduct diagnostic tests for the diagnosis of eye disease and subsequent referral to Eye Surgeons.
  • To prescribe remedial treatment in the form of spectacles, contact lenses and low vision devices.
  • To provide community outreach and public health services (e.g. vision screening in schools, colleges, offices and industries).
  • To manage visual problems related to work conditions and professional health hazards, (e.g. Computer Vision Syndrome}.
  • To counsel and help in rehabilitation of patients with partial vision, colour vision defects and other hereditary ocular defects.
  • To counsel patients and prepare them for eye surgeries, lasers and other procedures for referral to Ophthalmologists.
  • To assist Ophthalmologists in clinical and surgical procedures.
  • Decides power of IOL, does field study, & helps in Orthoptics & Ortho-optic excercise.

    Note: [*** It is not expected and recommended of Optometrists to undertake administration of pharmacological preparation except under the direction of medical specialist. Optometrists will not be trained to undertake surgery or application of medicines other than those absolutely required for the discharge of their functions.]

In short, Optometry dedicates itself to the enhancement of visual function and thereby improves the quality of life of the patient.


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